Outstanda Learning Gigs Mean Academic Payday

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- Learn about how paying students to learn:
- Improves Behavior
- Improves Academic Results
- Improves Attendance
- Improves Focus and Effort
- Creates peer pressure to focus on results

In today’s competitive landscape, attracting top talent requires businesses to actively engage in charitable endeavors and contribute to the community. With Outstanda, corporations can support schools and students, invest in the future workforce, and get brand visibility. When a qualified organization sponsors a particular Learning Gig, your logo and link are added because you are part of the team.

Outstanda is researching and testings tools that will:
- Motivate Students to Master Materials
- Allow Students to Work from Anywhere
- Make Achievements Portable
- Reduce Age, Grade, and GPA Relevance
- Improve the Financial Stability of Students
- Reduce Classroom Behavior Issues

Collaborative Nonprofit designing mastery curricula that are open to all and pay verified, registered students for success.